Pregnancy Calendar

First trimester
Second trimester
Third trimester

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, full of wonders that unfold every week. From conception to birth, there are changes happening, both physical and mental. Pregnancy week by week is a transformation, visible in the mother's body and the developing fetus. Each week brings new signs, symptoms, growth, and development. The entire period of pregnancy is calculated as 40 weeks and begins from the day of your last menstrual period.

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each lasting three months. The first trimester spans from conception to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The second trimester covers weeks 13 to 27, and the third from 28 to 40. On average, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but it can vary from one pregnancy to another. For some women, the duration of pregnancy may range from 37 to 42 weeks, and babies born during this time are considered full-term.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, in the first month, from the first to the fourth week, several significant changes occur. This stage marks cell division, fertilization, hormone release, and preparation of your body for the baby. This stage is called the "readiness" stage. It's during this time that you may experience unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and fatigue. Growth continues in the second month, from the fifth to the eighth week. The nervous system begins to form tiny buds for hands or legs, and the tiny heart starts to beat. By the eighth week, all major organs and systems of the body begin to develop, and the size of the fetus resembles a black bean.

In the third month, from the ninth to the twelfth week, teeth and taste buds begin to form. At this stage, the arms, hands, and fingers are fully formed. Organs, muscles, and bones continue to develop, and the digestive and circulatory systems become functional. The size of the developing fetus will be like a plum. Passing through the first trimester brings relief as the most significant development has occurred, and the likelihood of miscarriage also significantly decreases.

The second trimester is an exciting phase as you can find out your baby's gender. Over four months, from 13 to 16 weeks, several valuable changes occur. You can now clearly hear the baby's heartbeat, while vocal cords and lungs begin to develop. The skin starts to thicken, and external genitalia are fully formed. In the fifth month, from 17 to 20 weeks, most women can feel the baby's kicks and movements. The baby's skin is covered with soft hair at this stage, and fingerprint patterns begin to form.

In the sixth month, spanning from 21 to 24 weeks, the baby's eyelids begin to open, and it reacts to sounds with gentle movements. Limbs take shape and become coordinated. The bone marrow helps form blood cells, and the lungs complete their development. The seventh month is the final month of the second trimester, from 25 to 28 weeks. Now the baby matures and grows faster. There is more fat in the body at this stage, and melanin forms, giving the baby color. The baby now has the ability to turn its head.

The third trimester marks the final stage of pregnancy and is the most exciting period as you are close to meeting your baby. This trimester spans from 29 to 40 weeks. In the eighth month, from 29 to 32 weeks, the baby's lungs and brain develop, allowing it to process more information. Kicks become more noticeable, and other major organs are fully formed. In the ninth month, from 33 to 36 weeks, bones become stronger, and the lungs mature. The baby loses its body hair and head hair.

The tenth month is the last month of the trimester, from 37 to 40 weeks. You are ready to give birth at any moment. The baby has now changed its position and is mostly head-down in the womb. At this stage, you may feel contractions, requiring the involvement of your family, doctors, and midwife, as it's time to meet your little one. Although your pregnancy ends with the third trimester, you and your magical baby have even more joyful moments ahead.